Today I heard Jesse Ventura make a comment today about all of the torture debate and water-boarding that's flying around the news lately. He very strongly opposes water-boarding and torture, and said that we should be above the type of people that use torture and that the United States is better than that, we are at a higher level than other countries.
I'm just wondering what the moral ethic or code is that people are using to claim that the US is above all other countries in our morality that we do not use advanced interrogations or torture against terrorist. I love my country, because it is my country, but I am under no perception that the US lives by some higher moral code than other countries. We are a culture of sex, drugs and rock'n'roll (and I'm not thrilled about that, I prefer the Christian principles we were built on). But, our country surpasses many others when it comes to greed, crime, hate, sexual promiscuity, drugs, divorce, gay marriage and the list goes on. This is the sad truth of what much of America has become. Taking these characteristics into consideration, we fall pretty far down the list as far as our morality and ethics compared to many countries. As the years go on, these flaws of our culture are growing and spreading.
We could take some initiative in our country to change some of these problems in order for our country to be at the level of morality that some believe us to be. Instead, some people would rather have us forsake our national security in order to save face. I would rather have our country restrict what is allowed on T.V. and make divorce and affairs more difficult, and allow children to pray in school and support churches. Instead, they want us to make ourselves more vulnerable to terrorism so we can claim to live by a higher standard.
Also, these terrorist have made their decision to spend their lives killing as many innocent (non-combatant) lives as possible. In my opinion they have forsaken any claim to be treated as decent human beings with any rights. Do what we need to gather the intell that we need and then be done with them. I would not expect any mercies given to me if I chose the life of a terrorist. They are also not American citizens, and why do we need to follow international law and Geneva Convention in how we deal with men that were associated with an attack that killed nearly 3000 US citizens, these were our people.
It's a dance . . .
14 years ago
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