The Arab/Israeli Conflict and the
This study is meant to take the
Where should the conviction and the dedication of the Christian Church lie? Where should the deep concern and heart of the body of believers be moved toward? Should it be concerned with prophecy and the past of thousands of years and traditions before the life and death of our Savior? Or, should the heart of the Church be yearning to see the current condition of the world changed, should it be concerned over the now and more importantly the condition of its members in the world? Should its greatest allegiance lie with its fellow brothers or with the ties of Jewish tradition?
The answers to these questions may seem easy to some, but to others perhaps they pull at the very core of important scriptures. The Bible says that
We often picture these people, the ones we are called to release from captivity, in war-torn places, places of oppression. Do we ever picture that Arabs need our help and our support and words of encouragement? Or do we only picture them as Muslim or only ruthless murders and terrorists? Do we only consider them to be enemies of Christ and enemies of
The population landscape in Israel is divided into many categories, mainly Israeli and Palestinian. The western church has traditionally had a strong stance behind the Israeli nation. Much of this has to do with prophecy and Biblical tradition concerning Abraham’s seed and Israeli’s position at end times. Some of it also has to do with guilt over the Nazi Holocaust, in which many Christians stood by silently. Looking a little further into
This is, perhaps, one of the most important conflicts of all history for the Christian Church and yet the majority of believers in the
Members of the Church body in
The answer is no, and we would be the same if we were living in that contradicted society. We feel that we are superior as American Christians in comparison to Arab Christians, we are sadly mistaken. The Apostle Paul said that in The Body of Christ there is no distinction between us, whether slave or free, Jew or Gentile, man or woman. Therefore, they are equal to us in the eyes of God, which is the most important judgment that one can ever face. If the judge of all creation and our Father looks at them with the same eyes that he looks at us, who are we to know better than God. None the less, some of us, being human as we are, still look at the world in class, race, and a separation of people. In that train of thought, and within Biblical context, the Arab race would be the highest of all Gentiles with regard to Jews as the pinnacle. Their blood line is a direct descendant of the family of Abraham. In the lineage of Biblical history the Arabs are of more right to the promises of Jewish Patriarch then are all other Gentiles. This notoriety, I think, should warrant the Arab follower’s of Jesus a special place among the Church in the way that some respect Jewish followers.
Please understand that I am not putting loving arms around the entirety of the Palestinian people, especially their leaders who often exploit the situation for their own means. But names like Hanna Massad and Bashar are names that need to be spoken in our churches and in our prayers. Ministries like the Gaza Baptist Church, Bethlehem Bible College, Musalaha Reconciliation Ministry deserve our support and will not survive without it. You need to know that as much disgust as you feel toward Hamas and Hizb-allah, our brothers living in Gaza and Bethlehem are losing their lives in a war where they stand on neither side. They pray for a future without terror groups running their cities, but their children are not immune to stray bullets and their homes are not invincible to rockets fired from either those waving the flag of the Crescent or those with the Star of David around their neck. Neither side of this war is looking for their interest or concerned with their future. Their hope is in the church, whose power and strength is truly unmatched by any regime, terror group, or government that ever will be.
This is why I encourage my brothers and sisters to stand beside their fellow believers, even though they may be Arab and even though there may be Jews standing on the other side. The Arab believers in Palestine need to know that the Body of Christ stands behind them and encourages them toward peace and understanding in their land. We should not allow them to believe that we have forsaken them because of their heritage and have instead decided to stand on the other side of the wall and shoot at them. We need to be found on neither side of the wall, but we need to be found tearing down the wall.
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